Saturday 25 January 2014

Tell Tale signs I'm Middle Aged #12

I can identify 1970s children's TV shows from the following quotes, Can you match the pictures with the quotes?:

1) As if by magic - a shopkeeper appeared.
2) We will mend it, we will fix it.
3) Ooh Perkin
4) Long ago, in dangerous times....
5) (Whistle, Whistle, Whistle)
6) Here we go looby loo, here we go looby la....
7) '...Never call me Jack or Jane, birds taught me to sing when they took me to their king...'
8) The Lift went down - deedle dee, doodle doo, dee...
9) Up above the streets and houses....
10)I'm a dog called Dill...
11)Psssh tiku, psssh tiku, psssh tiku...
12)'Everything is relative' said the Cosmic Onion, 'Well, you're no relative of mine!' said _ _ _ _ _ _
13)Now it's.... time.... to.... tell a story...
14) Tell a story... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Tell a story,
15)Let's go through the Round window...

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